Recent eBird Sightings

Big Sioux Rec Area - Minnehaha County

Big Sioux Recreation Area is a large park with a variety of habitats. Along the Big Sioux River their are Burr Oak bluffs and in the northeast corner of the park riparian woodlands where many migrants can be found. There is a wet meadow and on the west side of the river, a tract of tallgrass prairie with nesting Sedge Wrens, Bobolinks and Field Sparrows. Migrating Le Conte's Sparrows are also seen here. In the plum thickets Bells Vireos can sometimes be located. Black-billed Cuckoos and Yellow-billed Cuckoos are often heard on the bluffs west of the prairie. Big Sioux Recreational Area offers both woodland and grassland birding. Contributed by Robert F. Schenck

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