The canyon is an excellent area for finding Canyon Wrens. Anywhere there's a good rock face near the road, taking a few minutes to stop and listen usually produces a couple during the summer. Spearfish Creek is one of the best places in the Black Hills to find American Dippers. Frequent stops to check the creek along the highway tend to be productive, and there is usually a dipper to be found foraging just upstream from Roughlock Falls near the picnic sites. Lately, there have been a couple of Bald Eagles hanging out south of Bridal Veil Falls, too. The canyon is also a fantastic place for western neotropical migrants like American Redstarts, Lazuli Buntings, and Black-headed Grosbeaks in spring, summer, and fall. However, be careful. Since Spearfish Canyon is a tourist hotspot, traffic in the canyon can be distracting and even dangerous. Fortunately, most tourists aren't active before 10 am!