Recent Statewide eBird Sightings


Central South Dakota Birding Sites

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Ft. Randall Dam is always worth a visit to look for the rare gull, duck, or loon and may stop by in their movements. Another spot worth visiting is Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge. During migration huge numbers of ducks and geese will rest at the refuge. Migration also brings a variety of shorebirds to the refuge. Western and Clark's Grebes breed regularly at lake Andes.
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Big Bend Dam Tailrace - Lyman Co. Bijou Hills GPA, Brule - Brule Co.
Capitol Lake - Hughes Co. Cow Creek Rec. Area - Sully Co.
Ft. Pierre NG - FS Rd. 224 - Jones Co. Jackson WPA - Jerauld Co.
Lake Louise Rec. Area & Wildlife Refuge - Hand Co. Oahe Dam - Hughes Co.
Spring Creek Rec. Area - Sully Co.